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初中英语口语课 What’s the matter教案(4)

2024-10-13作文 来源:图文百科

初中英语口语课 What’s the matter教案

Step4 Presentation of expressions of giving advice
1. Tell Ss that I have a cold/cough, ask them: What should I do? Ss may give different answers, collect their answers and help them to use: You should/shouldn’t do… Then show some pictures of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to give advice to eachproblem by using target language: You should/shouldn’t do… During this activity, some phrases will be learned: lie down and rest, drink hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of water, take some medicine.

初中英语口语课 What’s the matter教案

2. Show Ss two bags. In one bag, there are pieces of paper with problems while in the other one, there are pieces of paper with advice. Have a competition between boys and girls. Take turns to get paper. For example, one boy gets one paper with problem, and one girl get one paper with advice. The girl should say: What’s the matter with you? The boy should answer the question according to the problem he got by saying: I’m not feeling well. I have a…
If the girl got the right advice, she should answer it according to her paper: You should… If it is not, she should say: You shouldn’t, then give the right advice. The one who makes right sentence can get one point.

初中英语口语课 What’s the matter教案
