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2024-10-13作文 来源:图文百科


“John Rutter is a very resourceful composer, and I was delighted with the way he conceived of doing this, presenting most of the text through the tenor voice for which we engage the Chinese tenor. Well, I wanted to have a go myself at making an arrangement of it which would express something of what we do at King's.”
“很荣幸能够邀请到约翰.卢特(John Rutter)来为我们作曲。他是个经验丰富的作曲家,这次也通过与一名中国男高音歌唱家的合作充分体现了我们想表达的主题。其实我一直希望能够做出一首表达出国王学院气质的作品”,负责这首《再别康桥》曲目的编曲家,同时也担任国王学院合唱团总指挥的史蒂芬·克劳伯里(Stephen Cleobury)说。
“The inspiration I think came from the poem which is on the tablet by the bridge by the river camp here in the college. Apart from the tourist self and the words, which of course are quite big elements in it, it's not specifically intended to be a Chinese piece. It's the sort of arrangement I would make for something like that, and it's a very beautiful melody.”



英语美文欣赏 篇15

Sitting on the drippy, cold steps of Penn Station, sharing a smoke with a boyfriend. This Saturday night is scattered with drunks, and for once, we are not the drunkest; we do not smell the worst. Late-night, paranoid tourists don't even stare—a few ask for directions. We are spreading our wet, waiting bodies all over that stone, watching stumbling silhouettes wrestle with the escalator.

